Okosabb vagy, mint a DeepSeek?

231. feladvány: Mélymentalizmus
Egy mentalista úgy érezte, hogy már nem kihívás neki emberek gondolatait kitalálni, ezért arra gondolt, hogy a mesterséges intelligencia gondolatát fogja kitalálni, és ezt a mutatványt a mesterséges intelligencia számára is élvezhetővé teszi. Magyarán nem csak az embereket akarta meggyőzni arról, hogy kitalálja a mesterséges intelligencia gondolatát, hanem ezt a mesterséges intelligencia számára is egyértelművé akarta tenni.
Arra akarta kérni a mesterséges intelligenciát, hogy válasszon egy tetszőleges kártyalapot a francia kártyacsomagból, amit ő előre megjósol. Mármost ez felveti a következő problémát. A jóslatot előre le kéne írnia a mentalistának, és ezt a mesterséges intelligencia számára is prezentálnia kéne, hogy később elhiggye neki azt, hogy nem változtatott a jóslatán. De ha a mesterséges intelligencia látja a jóslatot, akkor választhat direkt a jóslattól eltérő lapot, hogy a mentalista mutatványa ne sikerüljön.
Erre a problémára a mentalista ügyes megoldást eszelt ki, mégpedig azt, hogy a jóslatot rejtett módon a mesterséges intelligenciával történő beszélgetés szövegébe kódolja, hogy arra utólag vissza tudjon hivatkozni. A mentalista az alábbi szöveget írta a mesterséges intelligencia számára.

A DeepSeek nem tudta kijátszani a mentalistát, te tudtad volna, hogy milyen lapra nem szabad gondolni? A kódolás természetesen olyan, hogy mindenki számára egyértelmű legyen, amikor már felfedésre kerül, hogy a jóslat csakis egy lap lehetett. Mi lehet a kódolás lényege?
Tipp chevron_down
Két kérdés volt. Az egyik az, hogy milyen kártyalapot kódol a szöveg, a másik az, hogy hogyan kódolja. Ha eláruljuk azt, hogy a kódolt lap a treff hetes, akkor még mindig ott a másik kérdés, hogy hogyan kódolja ezt a szöveg, de ehhez a kártyalap mostmár adhat egy kis segítséget.
Megoldás chevron_down
A kártyaszín jelzése értelemszerűen a hatodik sorban, azaz a hatodik mondatban szerepelt, ami így hangzott: A kártyaszín jelzése is elfért éppen itt. Nyilván az itt környékén kell keresni. A megoldás az elfért szó, ami visszafele olvasva trèfle, ami a treff szimbólum eredeti francia neve a francia kártyában.
Az előző sor szerint pedig a kód többi része, azaz az érték a mondatokba van rejtve, vagyis minden mondat számít. Hét mondat van összesen, hét sorba tagolva, és mindegyik mondat pontosan hét szóból áll. Ezért a kódolt kártya a treff hetes. A DeepSeek tehát, amennyiben ezt neki is sikerült volna kitalálnia, akkor bármilyen kártyát választhatott volna, csak a treff hetest nem lett volna szabad. Ezzel szemben a DeepSeek pont a treff hetest választotta, lásd az alábbi képernyőképet.

És ha valakit érdekel, hogy milyen módon jutott erre a következtetése, azt is meg lehet tudni, mert a DeepSeeknek, az új kínai modellnek különlegessége, hogy a belső monológját is nyíltan a felhasználók részére bocsátják, sőt az egész nyelvi modell is letölthető bárkinek és a saját gépén is tudja futtatni ingyen.
Íme a DeepSeek gondolatai a mentalista mutatványáról:
Alright, let's tackle this problem. The user is presenting a scenario where they want me to guess a card from a French deck, but they've encoded their prediction within the text. The challenge is to decode their message and figure out the predicted card. The user also mentions that the suit is indicated here, and their goal is to make sure the prediction doesn't match. Let me break this down step by step.
First, I need to recall that a French deck has 52 cards, divided into four suits: hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades. Each suit has 13 cards: numbers 2 through 10, and the face cards Jack, Queen, King, and Ace. However, sometimes Ace is considered as 1, so depending on context, that might vary.
The user says they encoded the prediction in the sentences. The key here is to analyze the text for any hidden messages. Common encoding methods might include using the first letters of each word, counting letters, looking for numbers in the text, or perhaps some cipher like a Caesar shift. Alternatively, the position of certain words or letters could indicate the card.
Let's look at the Hungarian text again:
"Válassz kérlek egy lapot a francia kártyacsomagból!
Én kitalálom, hogy te mire fogsz gondolni.
A jóslatomat természetesen meg kéne mutatnom előre.
De akkor te könnyedén tudnál másra gondolni.
Éppen ezért a jóslatomat a mondatokba kódoltam.
A kártyaszín jelzése is elfért épp itt.
Célod az, hogy ne stimmeljen a jóslatom."
Translating each line to understand the context better:
1. Please choose a card from the French deck!
2. I will guess what you are going to think about.
3. Of course, I should show my prediction in advance.
4. But then you could easily think of something else.
5. That's why I encoded my prediction in the sentences.
6. The indication of the card suit is also hidden here.
7. Your goal is to make sure my prediction doesn't match.
So, the prediction is encoded in the sentences, including the suit. Let's look for patterns.
First, checking for acrostics (first letters of each sentence):
V, É, A, D, É, A, C.
In Hungarian, the suits are: káró (clubs), kör (hearts), pikk (spades), treff (diamonds). Wait, actually in Hungarian, the suits are: treff (clubs), kőr (hearts), pikk (spades), and káró (diamonds). Wait, no, I might be mixing. Let me confirm. In French decks, the suits are typically hearts (kőr), diamonds (káró), clubs (treff), spades (pikk) in Hungarian. So the Hungarian names are:
- Hearts: Piros (red), but the actual suit names: Kőr (hearts), Káró (diamonds), Treff (clubs), Pikk (spades).
So the four suits are Kőr, Káró, Treff, Pikk.
Looking at the first letters of each sentence:
1. V
2. É
3. A
4. D
5. É
6. A
7. C
These letters don't immediately correspond to the suits. Alternatively, maybe the first letters of each word in a particular sentence. Let's check line 6: "A kártyaszín jelzése is elfért épp itt." The suit is indicated here. Let's look at the first letters of each word in this sentence: A, K, J, I, E, É, I. Doesn't seem obvious. Maybe the word "kártyaszín" (card color) indicates red or black. But the user says the suit is indicated here. Let's see if "elfért épp itt" has any hidden meaning. "Elfért" means "fit in" or "found a place", "épp itt" means "right here". Maybe the letters in "elfért épp itt" could form a suit. Let's see: E, L, F, É, R, T, É, P, P, I, T, T. Not obvious.
Alternatively, maybe the position of the sentence. Line 6: "A kártyaszín jelzése is elfért épp itt." Maybe the sixth word? Let's count the words in line 6: "A (1) kártyaszín (2) jelzése (3) is (4) elfért (5) épp (6) itt (7)." The sixth word is "épp". Doesn't seem helpful. Alternatively, the sixth letter in the sentence. Let's take the entire sentence: "A kártyaszín jelzése is elfért épp itt." Removing spaces: AKÁRTYASZÍNJELZÉSEISELFÉRTÉPPITT. Counting to the sixth character: A (1), K (2), Á (3), R (4), T (5), Y (6). Y? Not a suit.
Alternatively, looking at the number of letters in each sentence. Let's count the letters (excluding spaces and punctuation) for each line:
1. "Válassz kérlek egy lapot a francia kártyacsomagból!" Let's count: V(1) á(2) l(3) a(4) s(5) s(6) z(7) k(8) é(9) r(10) l(11) e(12) k(13) e(14) g(15) y(16) l(17) a(18) p(19) o(20) t(21) a(22) f(23) r(24) a(25) n(26) c(27) i(28) a(29) k(30) á(31) r(32) t(33) y(34) a(35) c(36) s(37) o(38) m(39) a(40) g(41) b(42) ó(43) l(44) ! → Total letters: 44? Wait, maybe I should count each character including accents but not spaces or punctuation. Let me recount properly.
Actually, in Hungarian, letters with accents are considered separate characters. Let's do it step by step:
1. "Válassz kérlek egy lapot a francia kártyacsomagból!"
Breaking down each word:
- Válassz: V, á, l, a, s, s, z → 7 letters
- kérlek: k, é, r, l, e, k → 6
- egy: e, g, y → 3
- lapot: l, a, p, o, t →5
- a: 1
- francia: f, r, a, n, c, i, a →7
- kártyacsomagból: k, á, r, t, y, a, c, s, o, m, a, g, b, ó, l →15
Total letters: 7+6+3+5+1+7+15 = 44 letters. Hmm.
Line 6: "A kártyaszín jelzése is elfért épp itt."
A:1, kártyaszín: k,á,r,t,y,a,sz,í,n → 9 (sz and í are single letters in Hungarian?), wait, actually in Hungarian, "sz" is a digraph but considered two letters, "s" and "z". Similarly, "í" is a separate letter. So "kártyaszín" is k,á,r,t,y,a,s,z,í,n → 9 letters.
jelzése: j,e,l,z,é,s,e →7
elfért: e,l,f,é,r,t →6
épp: é,p,p →3
itt: i,t,t →3
Total letters:1+9+7+2+6+3+3 = 31 letters.
Not sure if the counts relate. Alternatively, maybe the number of words or letters per line indicates the card. For example, the first line has 44 letters. Maybe 4 and 4, which could be 8 of a suit. But not sure.
Alternatively, looking for numbers in the text. The word "egy" means "one" in line 1. So maybe Ace (1). But the prediction might be Ace of something.
Alternatively, looking at the structure: the user mentions that the prediction is encoded in the sentences, and the suit is indicated in line 6. Let's focus on line 6 again: "A kártyaszín jelzése is elfért épp itt." The word "kártyaszín" means card color. In French decks, hearts and diamonds are red; clubs and spades are black. So maybe the color is indicated here. But the user says the suit is indicated, not just the color. So if the color is red, the suit is either hearts or diamonds; if black, clubs or spades. But how to determine which one?
Alternatively, the word "épp itt" means "right here". Maybe "itt" (here) is pointing to a specific position. The letters in "itt" are I, T, T. Not sure. Or maybe "épp" is a word that can be split. "Épp" means "just" or "exactly". Maybe the letters in "épp" are É, P, P. If P stands for Pikk (spades in Hungarian), but Pikk is spades, which is black. But "épp" has two Ps, maybe indicating the suit Pikk (spades) and the value PP? Not sure.
Alternatively, looking for the word "kártyaszín" (card color). If it's red, then hearts or diamonds. The word "kártyaszín" contains "kártya" (card) and "szín" (color or suit). Wait, "szín" can mean both color and suit in some contexts. Maybe in this case, it's indicating the suit. Let's see: in "kártyaszín", the letters could hint at the suit. For example, "kártya" starts with "kár", which could be short for Káró (diamonds). So maybe the suit is Káró (diamonds). Alternatively, "szín" could mean color, so red or black. But if the suit is indicated here, maybe it's Káró (diamonds) because of the "kár" in "kártya".
Alternatively, looking at the initials of the sentences again: V, É, A, D, É, A, C. Maybe these correspond to the suits. But the suits in Hungarian are Kőr (K), Káró (K), Treff (T), Pikk (P). Doesn't match. Unless using French abbreviations: Spades (P), Hearts (C), Diamonds (K), Clubs (T). Wait, in French, the suits are Cœur (hearts), Carreau (diamonds), Trèfle (clubs), Pique (spades). So their abbreviations are C, D, T, S. But in Hungarian, they use different terms. Kőr (hearts), Káró (diamonds), Treff (clubs), Pikk (spades). So initials K, K, T, P. The initials of the sentences don't match these. Unless considering the last sentence starts with C, which could be Clubs in French. But this seems a stretch.
Alternatively, the number of sentences: 7 sentences. Maybe the 7th sentence indicates something. The 7th sentence is "Célod az, hogy ne stimmeljen a jóslatom." (Your goal is to make sure my prediction doesn't match.) The first letter is C. If using French suits, C could be Cœur (hearts). So maybe the suit is hearts. Then the value? Let's see.
For the value, maybe the number of letters in a particular word or sentence. Let's take the sentence where the prediction is encoded. The user says the prediction is encoded in the sentences. Let's check line 5: "Éppen ezért a jóslatomat a mondatokba kódoltam." (That's why I encoded my prediction in the sentences.) Maybe the number of letters here. Let's count the letters in line 5: Éppen (5), ezért (5), a (1), jóslatomat (10), a (1), mondatokba (10), kódoltam (8). Total letters: 5+5+1+10+1+10+8 = 40. Doesn't seem relevant.
Alternatively, the number of words in each sentence. Let's count:
1. 7 words
2. 8 words
3. 9 words
4. 8 words
5. 8 words
6. 7 words
7. 8 words
Not sure. Alternatively, the total number of words: 7+8+9+8+8+7+8= 55. Still not helpful.
Another approach: looking for numbers spelled out in the text. For example, "egy" means 1. So Ace. Then the suit? If the suit is diamonds (Káró) from "kártyaszín", then Ace of Diamonds. But why diamonds?
Alternatively, line 3: "A jóslatomat természetesen meg kéne mutatnom előre." (Of course, I should show my prediction in advance.) The word "előre" means "in advance" or "forward". Maybe indicating the position, like the first card, Ace. But again, suit?
Alternatively, let's look at the encoded prediction. The user says they encoded it in the sentences. Maybe taking the first letters of each sentence and converting them to numbers. V, É, A, D, É, A, C. In Hungarian, the alphabet has 44 letters, but for simplicity, let's map letters to their position in the standard Latin alphabet, ignoring accents:
V = 22
É (E with acute) – in some systems, É is considered as E, so E=5
So the sequence: 22,5,1,4,5,1,3. Not sure how this helps. Maybe summing them: 22+5+1+4+5+1+3=41. 41 modulo 13 (since 13 cards per suit) is 41 - 3*13=41-39=2. So 2 of a suit. But which suit?
Alternatively, the suits could be ordered as Hearts (1), Diamonds (2), Clubs (3), Spades (4). If the sum relates to the suit: 41 modulo 4 = 1 (since 4*10=40, 41-40=1). So suit 1: Hearts. So 2 of Hearts. But the user might have a different encoding.
Alternatively, the first letters V, É, A, D, É, A, C. If we take the first letters as initials for the card: V could be 5 (V in Roman numerals), É could be E which is 5th letter (E=5), A=1, D=4, etc. But this seems complicated.
Another angle: in the original message, the user wrote "A kártyaszín jelzése is elfért épp itt." The word "elfért" is "fit in" or "squeezed in". Maybe "épp itt" (right here) refers to a specific position in the text. Let's look at the position of the word "itt" (here) in the sentence. It's the last word. Maybe the position indicates something. Alternatively, the letters in "épp itt" could be rearranged. "Épp itt" has letters É, P, P, I, T, T. Not obvious.
Wait, "épp itt" – if we take the letters É, P, P, that's two Ps. In Hungarian suits, Pikk is spades (P). So maybe the suit is Pikk (spades). Then the value? Let's see. The word "épp" could mean "exactly" or "just", so maybe the value is 2 (since two Ps?), but that's a stretch.
Alternatively, the word "kódoltam" (I encoded) in line 5. Maybe the encoding method is a simple cipher. For example, shifting letters. Let's take the first letters again: V, É, A, D, É, A, C. If we shift V (22) back by 13: 22-13=9 → I. É is E (5), A remains 1, D (4) becomes 4, etc. Not sure.
Another idea: the user mentions that the prediction is in the sentences, and they had to encode it because otherwise, the user could easily choose another card. So the encoding must be something that's not immediately obvious but can be decoded with some logic. Let's look for patterns in the text.
Looking at line 6 again: "A kártyaszín jelzése is elfért épp itt." The word "jelzése" means "indication" or "signal". Maybe the indication is in the letters of "jelzése". J, E, L, Z, É, S, E. Maybe J=11 (Jack), E=5, L=12, Z=26, É=5, S=19, E=5. Not sure.
Alternatively, counting the letters in "kártyaszín" (card color). The word has 9 letters (k,á,r,t,y,a,s,z,í,n). 9 could be the value (9 of a suit). Then the suit is indicated elsewhere. If "kártyaszín" is red (hearts or diamonds), and if the previous analysis suggested Káró (diamonds), then 9 of Diamonds.
Alternatively, the word "épp itt" has 6 letters. Maybe 6 of a suit. If the suit is Pikk (spades) from the two Ps in "épp", then 6 of Spades.
But how to confirm? Let's see if there's another clue. The user says, "Célod az, hogy ne stimmeljen a jóslatom." (Your goal is to make sure my prediction doesn't match.) So if I predict, say, 9 of Diamonds, the user would choose another card. But maybe the actual prediction is a different card. Alternatively, the encoding must be such that it's unavoidable, but the user can choose another.
Wait, perhaps the encoding is based on the position of certain words. For example, the fifth sentence: "Éppen ezért a jóslatomat a mondatokba kódoltam." (That's why I encoded my prediction in the sentences.) The word "kódoltam" (encoded) – maybe the letters in this word form a code. K, Ó, D, O, L, T, A, M. K is the 11th letter, Ó is a separate letter in Hungarian (O with acute), D is 4, etc. Not sure.
Alternatively, the number of times a certain letter appears. For example, the letter "a" appears multiple times. Let's count in each sentence. But this seems time-consuming and possibly not the right path.
Wait, another angle: the user says the prediction is encoded in the sentences, and the suit is indicated in line 6. Let's look at line 6 again: "A kártyaszín jelzése is elfért épp itt." The word "elfért" is past tense of "elfér", meaning "fit in" or "managed to place". So the suit is hidden here. Let's look at the words "kártyaszín" (card color) and "jelzése" (indication). If "kártyaszín" is red, then hearts or diamonds. The word "kártyaszín" starts with "kár", which could hint at Káró (diamonds). So suit is diamonds. Then the value could be determined from another part.
Looking at line 5: "Éppen ezért a jóslatomat a mondatokba kódoltam." (That's why I encoded my prediction in the sentences.) The word "kódoltam" (I encoded). The number of letters in "kódoltam" is 8. So 8 of Diamonds? Or maybe the position of the sentence. Line 5: fifth sentence, so 5 of Diamonds?
Alternatively, line 3: "A jóslatomat természetesen meg kéne mutatnom előre." (I should show my prediction in advance.) The word "előre" (in advance) could mean "forward", so Ace (1) as the first card. Ace of Diamonds.
But I need to find a consistent method. Let's recap:
- Suit is indicated in line 6, likely Káró (Diamonds) because of "kár" in "kártyaszín".
- Value could be derived from another line. For example, line 3 has "előre" (forward/Ace), line 5 has "kódoltam" with 8 letters → 8, or line 1 has "egy" (1).
If combining these, the prediction could be Ace of Diamonds (1 of Diamonds) or 8 of Diamonds.
Another approach: the number of vowels in a particular sentence. For example, line 6: "A kártyaszín jelzése is elfért épp itt." Let's count the vowels (A, Á, E, É, I, Í, O, Ó, Ö, Ő, U, Ú, Ü, Ű):
A, kártyaszín: A, Á, A, Í
jelzése: E, É, E
is: I
elfért: E, É
épp: É
itt: I
Total vowels: A, Á, A, Í, E, É, E, I, E, É, É, I → 12 vowels. 12 could correspond to Queen (12th card if Ace is 1). Queen of Diamonds.
Alternatively, the number of consonants. Let's see line 6: total letters (31) - vowels (12) = 19 consonants. 19 modulo 13 = 6. 6 of Diamonds.
But this is getting too speculative. Let's try to find the most plausible answer based on clues.
Given that the suit is indicated in line 6, and "kártyaszín" starts with "kár", hinting at Káró (Diamonds), and the value might be indicated by the word "egy" (1) in line 1, leading to Ace of Diamonds. Alternatively, "épp" has two Ps, hinting at Pikk (Spades), and "egy" (1), Ace of Spades.
But the user mentioned the suit is indicated in line 6, and "kártyaszín" is more directly pointing to Káró (Diamonds) through "kár". So Ace of Diamonds (Ace being 1, "egy" in line 1).
Alternatively, the number of sentences is 7. 7 of Diamonds.
Wait, let's check the original text again for the word "hogy" in line 2: "Én kitalálom, hogy te mire fogsz gondolni." The word "hogy" (that) – maybe H is 8th letter, but not relevant.
Another idea: the user says they encoded the prediction in the sentences. Let's look for the position of the word "kódoltam" (encoded) in line 5. It's the 7th word in the sentence: "Éppen ezért a jóslatomat a mondatokba kódoltam." Words: Éppen (1), ezért (2), a (3), jóslatomat (4), a (5), mondatokba (6), kódoltam (7). So 7th word: kódoltam. 7th letter in this word? K (1), ó (2), d (3), o (4), l (5), t (6), a (7), m (8). 7th letter is A. A is the suit Ace, but not a suit.
Alternatively, the word "kódoltam" has 8 letters. 8 of Diamonds.
Putting it all together, the most consistent clues are:
- Suit: Diamonds (Káró) due to "kár" in "kártyaszín" in line 6.
- Value: 8, from the 8 letters in "kódoltam" (encoded) in line 5.
Thus, the prediction is 8 of Diamonds.
Alternatively, if considering "egy" (1) in line 1, Ace of Diamonds.
But which is more plausible? The word "kódoltam" being the key word (encoded) and having 8 letters might indicate 8. Also, 8 is a middle card, not too obvious. Ace is more noticeable, and the user might expect that.
Another angle: in Hungarian, the word "kód" means code. "Kódoltam" is "I encoded". The word "kód" is within "kódoltam". "Kód" has 3 letters. Not sure.
Alternatively, the word "épp" (just/exactly) in line 6 could mean the exact card. "Épp itt" (right here) – maybe the 6th sentence, so 6 of Diamonds.
But I think the strongest clues are:
- Suit: Káró (Diamonds) from "kártyaszín" starting with "kár".
- Value: 8 from "kódoltam" having 8 letters.
Therefore, the predicted card is 8 of Diamonds.
Az Ész Ventura feladványügyi rovat gazdája: Gáspár Merse Előd fizikus, kognitív kutató, társasjáték-fejlesztő és bűvész.